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Catalogue 1

Catalogue 2




        Explications to the system of référencement         " inclusions 1.3.9 "

Let us take for example, the red stone floor carrying partially power plant the grey square containing 9 details of brass

  The référence will there be:     16 G 9 L

16 = The stone floor 20x20 red references 16

G =  The Grey central square

  9 =  The number of details of inclusions

  L =  The material of inclusion    Brass

In the same way every motive will create a référence constituted as follows:


A number / colour of the stone floor 20x20  /  1 black -  7 grey - 16 red -   22 khaki

A letter /  colour of the central square /    Grey   -   Red

A figure / number  of details of inclusion  /  1  -    3 or 9

A letter / material of inclusion / Aluminium - L Brass - Copper -  Mirror


Dominique  Langlois    ( 33 )  06 07 33 78 77

Couleurs & Matières     ( 33 )  01 39 75 26 12

          KIT of  SPECIMEN

Descriptiont;  one stone floors  of inclusions in the choice,  a documentation and a colour chart of united complexions (stone floors 5x5 cm)

Fixed value inclusive of tax   52 euros  which will come in deduction of the amount of any command of a value superior to  800 euros

+ Cool of expedition   = according to destination     TO COMMAND

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